This course seeks to examine and explore how Darwin’s publishing of The Origin of the Species revolutionized science and writing– creating an opening for others to broach topics previously considered taboo.  In addition, this course will address the significance of Darwin’s theory of evolution from both a scientific and literary perspective. As a naturalist, who focused on comparative anatomy, Darwin’s observational skills, artistic skills, and extreme curiosity surrounding the question of how species arise, were essential to the successful development of his theory. 

In the spirit of Darwin, this course will integrate the scientific skills of observation and experimentation with the literary skills of analysis and creativity in order to more deeply understand the theories of evolution and the impact they have had on the world and their own experience. This course will cover a range of topics related to evolution, including religion, class, social theory, and race. Students will engage in reading a range of nonfiction and fiction selections and express their learning through scientific, creative, and analytical writing.