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Practicing for Success
What you are about to embark upon is a life long adventure that will bring you great joy and satisfaction. Like all things, it won't come easily, but I guarantee you that it will be one of the most rewarding experiences that you will ever have, if you learn to do it well. The following lessons are here to help you. They are an extension and a review of what we do in class on a daily basis. I do not expect you to sit down and read it all at once. That would give you an overall view of what I am trying to teach you, but you will not remember the important details. The best way to use this site is to read it in bits and pieces. If you are having troubles with something at home, come here and scan the lessons. You may find a topic that deals with your particular problem. Please have your parents look and read through these lessons as well. They too may learn some tricks on practicing and may be able to help you. Also, please check out my blog. There is all sorts of information there about auditions, music, ideas for summer, a couple of talks that I have given, and more. And please never forget, I am always here to help you too! Enjoy!