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Advanced Drawing and Painting I
In this course, students who have demonstrated a working knowledge of contour, gesture and value continue to hone their technical skills as they develop more complex personal imagery in their work. Projects in both drawing and painting are expanded, integrating advanced techniques and concepts. Art by painters both historic and contemporary are discussed in slide presentations and trips to museums. Prerequisite: Drawing and Painting II and/or instructor permission.

Advanced Drawing and Painting II
In this course, students further develop their ability to conceive and create works that have integrity of material, concept and process. Students begin to organize work to develop a portfolio for presentation to post-secondary institutions. Art by painters both historic and contemporary are discussed in slide presentations and trips to museums. Prerequisite: Advanced Drawing and Painting I and/or instructor permission.

Drawing and Painting I
In this course, students are introduced to a fundamental approach in drawing and painting that enables them to further their ability to see and to develop their own creative process. Students create successful compositions while learning the skills of contour, gesture and value. Observation is strongly emphasized, utilizing still lives and figurative work from models to build individual portfolios. Art by painters both historic and contemporary are discussed in slide presentations and trips to museums. Prerequisite: Creative Design or Advanced Eighth-Grade Art.

Drawing and Painting II
In this course, students bring personal expression more fully into play as they continue to hone the basic skills that were introduced in Drawing/Painting I. Work from observation is emphasized as well as inventive usage of materials. Art by painters both historic and contemporary is discussed in slide presentations and trips to museums. Prerequisite: Drawing and Painting I or instructor permission.
This course is designed for students with a strong technical background in drawing and painting who are ready to develop in-depth projects. Concept and process are emphasized in the development of personal imagery. Students broaden and refine their visual literacy as they become more familiar with both art history and contemporary art. Students continue to develop a portfolio for presentation to post-secondary institutions. Prerequisite: Advanced Drawing and Painting II and instructor permission.
Studio and Drawing and Painting II
In this course, students create an in-depth body of work revolving around a chosen theme suitable for presentation to post-secondary institutions. This advanced course is similar to AP Studio Art but does not require the AP portfolio. Prerequisite: Studio Drawing and Painting I and instructor permission.

AP Studio Art
This AP course is designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art. Final evaluation of AP Studio Art is not based on a written examination; instead, students submit portfolios for evaluation at the end of the school year. The instructional goals of the AP Studio Art program includes encouraging creative as well as systematic investigation of formal and conceptual issues, emphasizing making art as an ongoing process that involves the student in informed and critical decision-making, developing technical skills and familiarizing students with the functions of the visual elements. Prerequisite: Previous studio experience and permission.